Kristin Slanina, ParkMyFleet
Chief Innovation Officer: Creating the Future of Electrification

As infrastructure across the US continues to deteriorate, ParkMyFleet is eager and excited to partner with the Federal Infrastructure Bank, which is taking a proactive and efficient approach to addressing these issues to help build much-needed intelligent infrastructure. Privatizing funding will create a more efficient path forward to propel the US as a leader in intelligent infrastructure.
ParkMyFleet, a nationwide and forward-looking mobility company, has a birds-eye view of the structural and transportation-relates issues facing the US. That’s why we are so motivated to build mobility hubs of the future that will help fleets convert over to more sustainable transportation for decarbonization and improve overall transport efficiencies.

Open Letter from Hank Greenberg

Chairman, Starr Companies

I bring to your attention legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would have the potential, if passed into law, to transform and revitalize America’s crumbling infrastructure. Decades of neglect in making sufficient investments in our nation’s infrastructure now pose a serious threat to U.S. national security. The Federal Infrastructure Bank Act of 2023 (H.R. 490) would allow for the establishment of a Federal Infrastructure Bank (FIB) that would be privately owned, managed, and financed.

While Congress passed an infrastructure-funding bill in 2021, (the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), it fell woefully short. That is why a privately funded FIB must be created with the capability of raising potentially trillions of additional dollars from investors around the world for infrastructure projects in the U.S. The FIB would not only be a much needed, new source of funding. It would also bring market forces to bear, which in turn would attract more private investment and spur innovation to develop the next century of infrastructure.

As a business leader and fellow American, I am asking you to join me in supporting the Alliance and becoming involved in the effort to get H.R. 490 passed into law. It could be one of the most consequential pieces of legislation for our country’s national security with far-reaching implications for America’s future role in an increasingly uncertain world


Subject: Endorsement of the Federal Infrastructure Bank and H.R.490 – 118th Congress (2023-2024).

Dear Esteemed Recipient,

I trust this letter finds you well. At Delpa Wireless, we keenly acknowledge the pressing issue of the swift deterioration and underfunding of the U.S. infrastructure. Recognizing that the digital infrastructure is poised to be the cornerstone of our economy, we are acutely aware that without prompt modernization at a large scale, the U.S. risks transitioning into a mere supplier of raw materials to China.

In our capacity as smart city developers, Delpa Wireless stands wholeheartedly behind the Federal Infrastructure Bank, championing its charter and mission to provide essential funding for the revitalization, repair, and maintenance of the U.S. infrastructure. We extend our unequivocal support for the enactment of H.R.490 – 118th Congress (2023-2024) as a pivotal step toward this crucial endeavor.

In essence, Delpa Wireless is poised to collaborate closely with the Federal Infrastructure Bank, contributing to the development of Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence projects. Our commitment is unwavering, as we join forces in seizing innovation opportunities and fortifying the technological infrastructure in the United States.

P. Arroyo

RIGO Wireless LLC d.b.a. Delpa Wireless CEO
